Thursday, July 23, 2009

Give back for Mother Earth

Earth is just wonderful. She provides us with all the things that we need from birth to death, from sunrise to sunset. I believe she expects us to pay back for her to essentially regenerate. Like, if you want to cut a tree, plant a seedling first at least one year ahead of your cutting schedule. By then, the seedling is already stable and ready to take the task of absorbing carbon dioxide and reflecting back sunlight. No gap. Whereas, if you plant the seedling too late, what will do the task of the tree that you're supposed to cut? If you cut hundreds of trees at a time and no ready replacement, can you imagine the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses trapped in the atmosphere? Earth will die.

Which, really, is important: Prolonging Earth's life by conserving her resources? Or, maximizing our own given life by abusing these resources?

This debate on resource utilization versus resource conservation has not been resolved. The pro-utilization says man needs to survive today that is why he needs to consume these resources now. The conservationist asks if man uses up all these resources now, what will be left for the future generations to survive on? The pro-utilization answers, "oh come on, there are just so many trees and so many other resources for man to live on for a long, long time."

The utilizers live for the here and now. The preservers care for the life ahead. I say, let us put a balance to these. Let us consume just enough to live and replenish what we have taken before we go and use up resources again. Earth's law dictates so. Otherwise, we end up in the trash bin with nothing else but our nail to munch on.

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